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Mehdi Hasan DEBATES Pro-Israel Ex-Congressman - full debate


Joe Walsh joins Mehdi Hasan in a HEATED debate over Israel and Gaza. Walsh, ex-Republican congressman turned Never-Trumper, is a proud supporter of Israel and its brutal war on Gaza. Mehdi challenged Walsh on his use of the “G-word” on Russia and Ukraine but not Israel and Gaza; on his criticism of the International Criminal Court for having an “anti-Israel bias”; and on his refusal to condemn Israel’s displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank. Walsh pushed back – accusing Mehdi of making this issue sound like a “one-sided affair.” Watch the full interview — it was a fiery affair, profanities were uttered, and, at one point, the former congressman even grabbed Mehdi’s questions paper out of his hand! Nevertheless, at Zeteo, we believe it is important for interviewers to ask tough questions – and even tougher follow-ups.