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The Experiences of the Palestinian Freed in the Israel-Hamas Prisoner Swap


Gazawi Iyad Rushdi Abdulmecid Abu Nasir suffered for years due to the lack of proper treatment for his illness. Israel used medical neglect as a form of punishment by employing trainee doctors on the Palestinian detainee. 40-year-old Abu Nasir was born and raised in Deir al-Balah, Gaza. He was imprisoned in Israeli jails from 2003 to 2021. Abu Nasir joined the Palestinian resistance in 2000 to support the Second Intifada. He was tracked by Israel and detained in 2003. While in prison, Abu Nasir experienced gallbladder pain, and despite the availability of advanced medical facilities, he stated that they were not provided with proper treatment and that the treatment administered did not lead to complete recovery. He emphasized that this was a form of torture for Israel. He tried to file a legal case for psychological and physical compensation regarding medical neglect, but it was rejected. The letters he wrote to human rights organizations from prison were also destroyed. Abu Nasir explained that Israeli prisons aim to disconnect detainees from time, stating that their watches were taken away, keeping them away from their families, education, and life. After 18 years in prison, the Palestinian detainee emerged stronger. He stated that not only did he gain important insights about Palestine, but also about the world. He completed his education in prison and earned dozens of certificates. Despite the pain he endured, he emphasized that the experience gave him strength and determination, and that while his body and soul bore wounds, he regained his freedom mentally, in a healthy state. note: Our AI-generated voiceovers aim to emulate the original speaker but may not fully capture language nuances or intricacies despite our efforts for accuracy and quality.