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Palestinians made history when they returned to north Gaza | The Listening Post


The return of more than half a million displaced Palestinians to northern Gaza, having survived war, siege and starvation, is a historic moment. For right-wing media outlets in Israel, however, it's a humiliation. Contributors: Abdullah Al-Arian – Associate Professor, Georgetown University in Qatar Jehad Abusalim – Executive Director, Institute for Palestine Studies Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man – Director of Israel-Palestine Research, DAWN Yara Hawari – Co-Director, Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network On our radar The new White House press secretary gives the media briefing a Trumpian makeover. Ryan Kohl reports. Black Myth: Wukong - China’s journey to the west Merging traditional Chinese folklore with modern technology, the video game Black Myth: Wukong is revolutionising China’s gaming industry - and politicians in Beijing are reaping the rewards. Featuring: Daniel Camilo – China Gaming Consultant Lizzi Lee – Host, The China Project Tingting Liu – Research Fellow, University of Technology Sydney