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Rabbi against Israel - Palestine Talks | In conversation with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro on the origins of Zionism


In his second appearance on “Palestine Talks,” Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro discusses the troubling psychological origins of Zionism and how it actually reproduced, rather than turned against, anti-Semitism. This would later be reinforced by prominent Zionist figures such as Vladimir Jabotinsky, who expressed utter disdain for Jews who adhered to the Torah, including its principles of non-violence and respect for human life, while promoting cruelty as a “virtue.” Undermining this requires – in Rabbi Shapiro’s view – that Zionists themselves undergo “deprogramming.” This involves them coming to see how they have been falsely indoctrinated as to what Judaism is, as well as how that has led them to engage in unnecessary violence for Israel. For Rabbi Shapiro, a Jewish state is actually a “liability” to the Jewish people.